It Is Okay.

Blurry Perspective
1 min readJan 17, 2021

Everyone has been through a phase where they wanted to be seen; they wanted to be noticed. I went through that phase as well, and I made people acknowledge my existence, but that didn’t make me happy because, deep down, I knew that amidst all those people I was still alone. It took me a while to realize that for you to actually be happy, you need to be you, not a version of what people want you to be. So for anyone out there who needs to hear these words; it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them; it is okay to not grow up , because growth comes from experience not age, it is okay to not be at your best everyday; it is okay to step out of relationships that are toxic for you; it is okay to look the way you are, as long as you’re satisfied with yourself, and it is okay to have just that one person around you, who you trust, rather than having a million people who can’t be trusted because the simplest of flowers have the most breathtaking fragrances.



Blurry Perspective

Beauty of words and the hidden meanings between those words.